Caucus, a review
Unlike most of the Coloradoans reporting to and, HD5 did not actually vote on any resolutions as a unified district. Some precincts did, but for the most part we filled out cards with various resolutions which will be presented at the county assembly on April 8th. We should have good support for resolutions to get the hell out of Iraq and for attorney general involvement with the Coors family funded robocalls in contested house district races. Gee, the Coors family involved in lying and abjectly unethical partisan politics, who'd a thunk it.
And Angel just called during the intermission from the superstars show. Seems I would've spent the night so far in snark/hater mode. That's $38 I didn't spend on something I wouldn't have liked. That's good. Maybe one day it'll actually make an impact outside of delusional belly dance newbies who after less than 2 years of lessons think they're good enough to audition and get in. Without being under 25 and having a Barbie doll body. Ha.
I'll take the other side of it; Suhaila, my friend Jim Boz, the Dahlin sisters, some (not all) of the west coast tribal style gals (please teach the Coloradoans into the tribal scene that it's ok to not imitate you, I'm getting bored watching them do what I used to see in Portland 10 years ago), Anahid and the other great NYC dancers I catch at Figaro and Maia Mehane on visits to the family, the senior dancers here . . . for the past year Eva Cernik has had the unique ability to dance differently in every one of the 20 some odd performances of hers that I've been able to see (not counting the 3 weeks I was with her in Turkey), even with music and costume repititions. Who needs generic choreography, I want art in the moment and soul inspiration. And to find that in the political realm as well, should it exist beyond the great Mike Miles.
Back to the Countdown repeat.