adventures of a belly dancing acupuncturist

This started as a travelogue to Turkey in the fall '05 so that I wouldn't have to send multiple emails and postcards. I'm still adding anecdotes as I remember them, but it's morphing into a "rant to the ether" spot. Stay, or go. This is my bit of space to do with what I wish.

Friday, January 27, 2006

impaired typing

slight knife cut, about double the width of a papercut, on the pad of my right index finger. fun.

managed to not bring enough change for parking for Drinking Liberally. dashed out in a somewhat blowsy fashion - but I didn't get a ticket. with the January slump I really don't need one. I need to get out like that more often. It's nice to find like minded people not in my usual haunts - actually I need to change my scenery and find some new haunts. next time I'll double check the change purse. as far as the man of the hour goes, Bill Winter is getting more articulate every time I hear him speak. I really hope that he does whip Tancredo's ass next fall.

right now my eyes are tired and bloodshot. I've assigned myself a project for 2006 - to study the ouvre of the late Claude Larre and Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallee. Their lecture series on various organs, drawing from the Chinese classics, as well as treatises on a few of the classics and on some other more esoteric (in terms of the modern practice of Chinese medicine) are some of the most elegant books available in this subject matter. They translate with a thorough analysis of the ideograms, which can lead to a different perspective on the text itself, or explain how a concept or understanding came to be. And the amount of discourse on just a few ideograms puts me back into Talmud class, something I last studied in 11th grade (1984-85 school year). At least this time I don't have to pretend to be functional in 2 other languages (Hebrew and Aramaic), I have the English translation right there. Not that is makes the work much easier. I've logged about 10 hours for 90 pages, and still have the conclusion and appendicies to go for the Kidney book. Then the reward - brush, ink, paper and attempting the ideograms. And after that, Slim Cessna and the Auto Club. Unless lameitis strikes yet again.


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