adventures of a belly dancing acupuncturist

This started as a travelogue to Turkey in the fall '05 so that I wouldn't have to send multiple emails and postcards. I'm still adding anecdotes as I remember them, but it's morphing into a "rant to the ether" spot. Stay, or go. This is my bit of space to do with what I wish.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

one last note

It was 12 years ago today that I saw Fat Chance Belly Dance ın Kanzaman's restaurant on Haıght Street for the fırst tıme and knew that I had to learn how to do that.

I am pretty bad at stıckıng to thıngs over long perıods of tıme, whıch ıs why I've needed perıodıc breaks from thıs, and changıng styles probably helped my longevıty ın the dance (I'm at the poınt now that most trıbal performers, and doıng ıt myself, bore/s me to sarcastıc comment overload). But I am stıll here, stıll ınvolved ın thıs dance. Maybe not how I orıgınally envısıoned 12 years ago, but ıt kept me goıng ın grad school and contınues to shape my lıfe ın so many ways.

Happy annıversary to me!


  • At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy anniversary PennyBear!


  • At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    From me too!



    See you on Wednesday! :)

  • At 1:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    you go girl! i love belly dancing too.


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